About NTTL


We provide best services in the world.

Nice Trend Technology Limited (NTTL) is a leading company in the field of solar energy and related sustainable electronic technologies products in Latin America, North America and Europe region.  We have the experience, capability, and financial viability necessary to successfully implement affordable photovoltaic systems.  NTTL has been in business since 2010, which makes us one of the most well-established solar manufacturer in the China.

At NTTL,  we also use significant growth extensive on e-commerce expertise to acquire, integrate, and bring brands to the next stage of development. We are the next generation consumer goods conglomerate with a clear strategic focus on specific electronic product categories, long-term value enhancement and first-class customer satisfaction.

We strive to build the consumer brands platform of the future by consolidating the global e-commerce merchant ecosystem, leveraging highly agile supply chains, and focusing on data-driven customer-centricity…

Our mission is to promote renewable solar energy in worldwidely, and  build the next generation consumer goods conglomerate.

At NTTL,  we also use significant growth extensive on e-commerce expertise to acquire, integrate, and bring brands to the next stage of development. We are the next generation consumer goods conglomerate with a clear strategic focus on specific electronic product categories, long-term value enhancement and first-class customer satisfaction.

We strive to build the consumer brands platform of the future by consolidating the global e-commerce merchant ecosystem, leveraging highly agile supply chains, and focusing on data-driven customer-centricity…

Our mission is to promote renewable solar energy in worldwidely, and  build the next generation consumer goods conglomerate.

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what are people saying about us?

Clients Testimonials


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